LibreTiny API
The LibreTiny API is divided in two parts:
- the C API, available in all families and frameworks
- the C++ API, available in the Arduino framework only.
The C++ API is a thin wrapper around the C API (using classes with inline functions).
It's provided for less-experienced users, who are used to Arduino IDE's classes like ESP
(and for backwards compatibility).
It's recommended to use the C API wherever possible.
This API is available using:
#include <libretiny.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
Type | Name |
uint8_t | lt_cpu_get_core_count () Get CPU core count. |
const char * | lt_cpu_get_core_type () Get CPU core type name as string. |
uint32_t | lt_cpu_get_cycle_count () Get CPU cycle count. |
lt_cpu_family_t | lt_cpu_get_family () Get CPU family ID (as lt_cpu_family_t enum member). |
const char * | lt_cpu_get_family_name () Get CPU family name as string. |
uint32_t | lt_cpu_get_freq () Get CPU frequency in Hz. |
uint32_t | lt_cpu_get_freq_mhz () Get CPU frequency in MHz. |
uint32_t | lt_cpu_get_mac_id () Get CPU ID based on the last three octets of MAC address. Note: the number is 24-bit (with the MSB being zero). The 3rd-to-last octet is least-significant, the last octet is most-significant. |
lt_cpu_model_t | lt_cpu_get_model () Get CPU model ID (as lt_cpu_model_t enum member). |
const char * | lt_cpu_get_model_code () Get CPU model name as string (lowercase). |
const char * | lt_cpu_get_model_name () Get CPU model name as string (uppercase). |
uint32_t | lt_cpu_get_unique_id () Get CPU unique ID. This may be based on MAC, eFuse, etc. (family-specific). Note: the number is 24-bit (with the MSB being zero). |
Type | Name |
const char * | lt_get_board_code () Get board code. |
void | lt_get_device_mac (uint8_t * mac) Read device's default MAC address into 'mac' array. This can be used even without Wi-Fi enabled, and will ignore user-changed Wi-Fi MAC (if changing is possible). |
const char * | lt_get_device_name () Get device friendly name in format "LT-<chip model>-<MAC ID>". Can be used as hostname. |
lt_reboot_reason_t | lt_get_reboot_reason () Get the reason of last chip reboot. |
const char * | lt_get_reboot_reason_name (lt_reboot_reason_t reason) Get a textual representation of a reboot reason. |
const char * | lt_get_version () Get LibreTiny version string. |
void | lt_gpio_recover () Reconfigure GPIO pins used for debugging (SWD/JTAG), so that they can be used as normal I/O. |
void | lt_reboot () Reboot the CPU. |
bool | lt_reboot_download_mode () Reboot the CPU and stay in download mode (if possible). |
bool | lt_reboot_wdt () Reboot the CPU with a watchdog timeout (if possible). |
bool | lt_set_debug_mode (lt_debug_mode_t mode) Set debugger mode (JTAG, SWD or OFF). |
Type | Name |
Public Types Documentation
enum lt_debug_mode_t
enum lt_reboot_reason_t
enum lt_reboot_reason_t {
Type | Name |
bool | lt_flash_erase (uint32_t offset, size_t length) Erase flash area. Flash can only be erased in blocks (usually 4 KiB). |
bool | lt_flash_erase_block (uint32_t offset) Erase a single block of flash (usually 4 KiB). |
lt_flash_id_t | lt_flash_get_id () Read flash chip ID and return a lt_flash_id_t struct. |
uint32_t | lt_flash_get_size () Get flash chip total size. |
uint32_t | lt_flash_read (uint32_t offset, uint8_t * data, size_t length) Read data from the flash. |
uint32_t | lt_flash_write (uint32_t offset, const uint8_t * data, size_t length) Write data to the flash. |
Type | Name |
uint32_t | lt_heap_get_free () Get free heap size. |
uint32_t | lt_heap_get_max_alloc () Get largest block of heap that can be allocated at once. |
uint32_t | lt_heap_get_min_free () Get lowest level of free heap memory. |
uint32_t | lt_heap_get_size () Get total heap size. |
uint32_t | lt_ram_get_size () Get total RAM size. |
Type | Name |
void | lt_ota_begin (lt_ota_ctx_t * ctx, size_t size) Initialize the update context to begin OTA process. |
bool | lt_ota_can_rollback () Check if OTA rollback is possible (switching the stored index to another partition). |
uint8_t | lt_ota_dual_get_current () Get the currently running firmware's OTA index. |
uint8_t | lt_ota_dual_get_stored () Read the currently active OTA index, i.e. the one that will boot upon restart. |
bool | lt_ota_end (lt_ota_ctx_t * ctx) Finish the update process. If the update has been written completely, try to activate the target image. Free allocated internal structures, regardless of the activation result. |
lt_ota_type_t | lt_ota_get_type () Get OTA type of the device's chip. |
uf2_ota_scheme_t | lt_ota_get_uf2_scheme () Check which UF2 OTA scheme should be used for applying firmware updates. |
bool | lt_ota_is_valid (uint8_t index) Check if the specified OTA image is valid. |
void | lt_ota_set_write_protect (uf2_ota_t * uf2) Set family-specific, write-protected flash areas in the OTA update context. This shouldn't be called manually, as it's done by lt_ota_begin(). |
bool | lt_ota_switch (bool revert) Try to switch OTA index to the other image. For single-OTA chips, only check if the upgrade image is valid. |
size_t | lt_ota_write (lt_ota_ctx_t * ctx, const uint8_t * data, size_t len) Process a chunk of data. |
bool | lt_ota_write_block (lt_ota_ctx_t * ctx, uf2_block_t * block) Try to write the block. In case of UF2 errors, error code is set in the context. Note: use lt_ota_write() instead. This is for internal usage only. |
Public Types Documentation
enum lt_ota_type_t
Type | Name |
void | hexdump (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len, uint32_t offset=0, uint8_t width=16) Print data pointed to by buf in hexdump-like format (hex+ASCII). |
char * | lt_btox (const uint8_t * src, int len, char * dest) Convert a byte array to hexadecimal string. |
void | lt_rand_bytes (uint8_t * buf, size_t len) Generate random bytes using rand(). |
uint8_t * | lt_xtob (const char * src, int len, uint8_t * dest) Convert a hexadecimal string to byte array. |
Type | Name |
void | lt_wdt_disable () Disable the hardware watchdog. |
bool | lt_wdt_enable (uint32_t timeout) Enable the hardware watchdog. |
void | lt_wdt_feed () Feed/reset the hardware watchdog timer. |
Type | Name |
void | lt_log (const uint8_t level, const char * format, ...) |
void | lt_log_disable () Disable LT logger. Enable it back using lt_log_set_port(LT_UART_DEFAULT_LOGGER). |
void void | lt_log_set_port (uint8_t port) Change log output port. |
POSIX compatibility API
A small subset of POSIX functions, commonly present in other Arduino cores, is provided for compatibility.
Type | Name |
int | strcasecmp (const char * s1, const char * s2) |
char * | strdup (const char *) |
int | strncasecmp (const char * s1, const char * s2, size_t n) |
char * | strptime (const char * buf, const char * fmt, struct tm * tm) |
This API is available using:
#include <Arduino.h>
Since v1.0.0, this class only consists of inline functions, which wrap the LibreTiny C API (lt_api.h). Refer to the docs of the C API for more information.
The class is accessible using the LT
global object.
Type | Name |
const char * | getBoard () Get board code. |
const char * | getChipCoreType () Get CPU core type name as string. |
uint8_t | getChipCores () Get CPU core count. |
ChipFamily | getChipFamily () Get CPU family ID (as lt_cpu_family_t enum member). |
const char * | getChipFamilyName () Get CPU family name as string. |
uint32_t | getChipId () Get CPU ID based on the last three octets of MAC address. Note: the number is 24-bit (with the MSB being zero). The 3rd-to-last octet is least-significant, the last octet is most-significant. |
const char * | getChipModel () Get CPU model name as string (uppercase). |
ChipType | getChipType () Get CPU model ID (as lt_cpu_model_t enum member). |
uint32_t | getCpuFreq () Get CPU frequency in Hz. |
uint32_t | getCpuFreqMHz () Get CPU frequency in MHz. |
uint32_t | getCycleCount () Get CPU cycle count. |
const char * | getDeviceName () Get device friendly name in format "LT-<chip model>-<MAC ID>". Can be used as hostname. |
FlashId | getFlashChipId () Read flash chip ID and return a lt_flash_id_t struct. |
uint32_t | getFlashChipSize () Get flash chip total size. |
uint32_t | getFreeHeap () Get free heap size. |
uint32_t | getHeapSize () Get total heap size. |
uint32_t | getMaxAllocHeap () Get largest block of heap that can be allocated at once. |
uint32_t | getMaxFreeBlockSize () Get largest block of heap that can be allocated at once. |
uint32_t | getMinFreeHeap () Get lowest level of free heap memory. |
uint32_t | getRamSize () Get total RAM size. |
ResetReason | getResetReason () Get the reason of last chip reboot. |
const char * | getResetReasonName (ResetReason reason=lt_get_reboot_reason()) Get a textual representation of a reboot reason. |
const char * | getVersion () Reset reason enumeration. |
void | gpioRecover () Reconfigure GPIO pins used for debugging (SWD/JTAG), so that they can be used as normal I/O. |
void | restart () Reboot the CPU. |
void | restartDownloadMode () Reboot the CPU and stay in download mode (if possible). |
This class only consists of inline functions, which wrap the LibreTiny C API (lt_api.h). Refer to the docs of the C API for more information.
The class is accessible using the OTA
global object.
Type | Name |
bool | canRollback () Check if OTA rollback is possible (switching the stored index to another partition). |
uint8_t | getCurrentIndex () Get the currently running firmware's OTA index. |
uint8_t | getStoredIndex () Read the currently active OTA index, i.e. the one that will boot upon restart. |
lt_ota_type_t | getType () Get OTA type of the device's chip. |
uf2_ota_scheme_t | getUF2Scheme () Check which UF2 OTA scheme should be used for applying firmware updates. |
bool | isValid (uint8_t index) Check if the specified OTA image is valid. |
bool | switchImage (bool revert=false) Try to switch OTA index to the other image. For single-OTA chips, only check if the upgrade image is valid. |
This class only consists of inline functions, which wrap the LibreTiny C API (lt_api.h). Refer to the docs of the C API for more information.
The class is accessible using the WDT
global object.
Type | Name |
void | disable () Disable the hardware watchdog. |
bool | enable (uint32_t timeout=10000) Enable the hardware watchdog. |
void | feed () Feed/reset the hardware watchdog timer. |
ESP (compatibility class)
This class only consists of inline functions, which wrap the LibreTiny C API (lt_api.h). Refer to the docs of the C API for more information.
The class is accessible using the ESP
global object.
Type | Name |
bool | flashEraseSector (uint32_t sector) Erase a single block of flash (usually 4 KiB). |
bool | flashRead (uint32_t address, uint8_t * data, size_t size) Read data from the flash. |
bool | flashWrite (uint32_t address, const uint8_t * data, size_t size) Write data to the flash. |
uint8_t | getBootMode () |
uint8_t | getBootVersion () |
uint32_t | getChipId () Get CPU ID based on the last three octets of MAC address. Note: the number is 24-bit (with the MSB being zero). The 3rd-to-last octet is least-significant, the last octet is most-significant. |
String | getCoreVersion () |
uint8_t | getCpuFreqMHz () Get CPU frequency in MHz. |
uint32_t | getCycleCount () Get CPU cycle count. |
uint32_t | getFlashChipId () Flash chip ID structure. |
uint32_t | getFlashChipMode () |
uint32_t | getFlashChipRealSize () Get flash chip total size. |
uint32_t | getFlashChipSize () Get flash chip total size. |
uint32_t | getFlashChipSizeByChipId () Get flash chip total size. |
uint8_t | getFlashChipVendorId () Flash chip ID structure. |
uint32_t | getFreeHeap () Get free heap size. |
String | getFullVersion () |
uint16_t | getMaxFreeBlockSize () Get largest block of heap that can be allocated at once. |
String | getResetInfo () Get a textual representation of a reboot reason. |
String | getResetReason () Get a textual representation of a reboot reason. |
const char * | getSdkVersion () |
uint16_t | getVcc () |
uint8_t * | random (uint8_t * resultArray, const size_t outputSizeBytes) Generate random bytes using rand(). |
uint32_t | random () Generate random bytes using rand(). |
void | rebootIntoUartDownloadMode () Reboot the CPU and stay in download mode (if possible). |
void | reset () Reboot the CPU. |
void | restart () Reboot the CPU. |
void | wdtDisable () Disable the hardware watchdog. |
void | wdtEnable (uint32_t timeout_ms=0) Enable the hardware watchdog. |
void | wdtFeed () Feed/reset the hardware watchdog timer. |
Arduino custom API
These functions extend the standard Wiring (Arduino) library, to provide additional features.
Type | Name |
int | analogRead (pin_size_t pinNumber) Read voltage from ADC and return a value between 0 and the current reading resolution. |
uint16_t | analogReadMaxVoltage (pin_size_t pinNumber) Get max reading voltage for the specified pin (millivolts). |
void | analogReadResolution (int res) Set resolution of values (in bits) returned by analogRead(). Defaults to 10 bit (0-1023). |
uint16_t | analogReadVoltage (pin_size_t pinNumber) Read voltage from analog input (in millivolts). |
void | analogWriteFrequency (int hz) Set PWM output frequency (in Hz). Defaults to 50 Hz (20,000 uS). |
void | analogWritePeriod (int us) Set PWM output frequency (cycle period) in microseconds. Defaults to 20,000 uS (50 Hz). |
void | analogWriteResolution (int res) Set resolution of values (in bits) expected by analogWrite(). Defaults to 8 bit (0-255). |
void | mainTask (const void * arg) Main setup() and loop() task. Not to be called directly. |
PinInfo * | pinByGpio (uint32_t gpio) Find PinInfo struct by GPIO number. Returns NULL if not found. |
PinInfo * | pinByIndex (uint32_t index) Get PinInfo struct for the specified index. Returns NULL if pin index is invalid. |
bool | pinEnabled (PinInfo * pin, uint32_t mask) Check if pin has all features represented by 'mask' enabled. |
uint32_t | pinIndex (PinInfo * pin) Get index of PinInfo in the global pin info table. |
PinInfo * | pinInfo (pin_size_t pinNumber) Get PinInfo struct for the specified number. Returns NULL if pin number is invalid. |
void | pinModeNone (pin_size_t pinNumber) Deinitialize the pin, by removing all enabled modes. |
void | pinModeRemove (pin_size_t pinNumber, uint32_t mask) Disable modes specified by 'mask'. |
void | pinRemoveMode (PinInfo * pin, uint32_t mask) |
bool | pinSupported (PinInfo * pin, uint32_t mask) Check if pin supports all features represented by 'mask'. |
void | runPeriodicTasks () Run periodic tasks, like printing free heap or checking millis() overflow. |
bool | startMainTask (void) Run mainTask & start OS kernel (family-defined). Return false if an error occured; else do not return and and keep the OS kernel running. |
Arduino compatibility API
These functions and macros provide compatibility between LT and other Arduino cores, such as ESP32.
Type | Name |
String | ipToString (const IPAddress & ip) |
Type | Name |
define | ESP_FAIL -1 |
define | ESP_OK 0 |
define | FPSTR (pstr_pointer) (reinterpret_cast<const __FlashStringHelper *>(pstr_pointer)) |
define | PGM_VOID_P const void * |
define | attachInterruptArg attachInterruptParam |
define | digitalPinToInterrupt (pin) (pin) |
define | esp_err_t int |
define | round (x) ((x) >= 0 ? (long)((x) + 0.5) : (long)((x) - 0.5)) |
define | voidFuncPtrArg voidFuncPtrParam |
define | vsnprintf_P vsnprintf |
define | xTaskCreatePinnedToCore xTaskCreateUniversal |
define | xTaskCreateUniversal (pxTaskCode, pcName, usStackDepth, pvParameters, uxPriority, pxCreatedTask, xCoreID) xTaskCreate(pxTaskCode, pcName, usStackDepth, pvParameters, uxPriority, pxCreatedTask) |
Chip & family types
enum lt_cpu_family_t
enum lt_cpu_family_t {
F_RTL8710A = 0x9FFFD543,
F_RTL8710B = 0x22E0D6FC,
F_RTL8720C = 0xE08F7564,
F_RTL8720D = 0x3379CFE2,
F_BK7231Q = 0xAFE81D49,
F_BK7231T = 0x675A40B0,
F_BK7231N = 0x7B3EF230,
F_BK7251 = 0x6A82CC42,
F_BL60X = 0xDE1270B7
enum lt_cpu_model_t
enum lt_cpu_model_t {
RTL8710BL = CPU_MODEL(F_RTL8710B, 0xE0),
RTL8710BN = CPU_MODEL(F_RTL8710B, 0xFF),
RTL8710BU = CPU_MODEL(F_RTL8710B, 0xFE),
RTL8710BX = CPU_MODEL(F_RTL8710B, 0xF6),
RTL8710L0 = CPU_MODEL(F_RTL8710B, 0xFB),
RTL8711BN = CPU_MODEL(F_RTL8710B, 0xFD),
RTL8711BU = CPU_MODEL(F_RTL8710B, 0xFC),
MX1290 = RTL8710BN,
MX1290V2 = RTL8710BX,
W302 = RTL8710BN,
RTL8720CM = CPU_MODEL(F_RTL8720C, 0xEC),
RTL8720CF = CPU_MODEL(F_RTL8720C, 0xED),
RTL8720CX = RTL8720CM,
BK7231Q = CPU_MODEL(F_BK7231Q, 0x31),
BK7231T = CPU_MODEL(F_BK7231T, 0x1A),
BK7231N = CPU_MODEL(F_BK7231N, 0x1C),
BK7252 = CPU_MODEL(F_BK7251, 0x00),
BL2028N = BK7231N,
BK7231S = BK7231T,
BK7231U = BK7231T