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Porting new families

This document briefly outlines what needs to be done, in order to port a new chip family to LibreTiny.

Base framework + builders

The base framework is the core part, that provides little functionality and a small HAL (over some things like OTA or sys control). It also includes a builder script for the vendor SDK.

Here's what has to be done to make that work:

  1. Find vendor SDK - should be self-explanatory. We can't work without a working SDK (yet).
  2. Test vendor SDK - compile a sample program "as it was meant to be done".

    • Most SDKs provide some example programs (like Hello World, WiFi scanning, etc.) that can usually be compiled by running a single "make" command.
    • Sometimes you need to configure your environment in a weird and complicated way. For me, using Cygwin on Windows was usually enough, though.
    • You need to flash this to the chip as well. The SDK usually bundles some flashing tools.
    • This step is crucial to understand the vendor build system, and to have working binaries to compare out results against.
  3. "Clean up" vendor SDK.

    • SDKs usually bundle entire compiler toolchains, which can take up hundreds of megabytes. We want to keep the downloaded PlatformIO packages as small as possible.
    • On existing families, GitHub Workflows produce the packages by removing some files and adding package.json to them. See framework-beken-bdk/.github/workflows/platformio-package.yml for an example.
  4. Write base family and board definitions.

    • families.json needs to have the new family added to it.
    • platform.json needs to know the vendor SDK repository.
    • Add any boards and base JSONs to the boards/ directory. It's easiest to start with generic boards.
    • Use boardgen ltci to generate variant sources (.c and .h).
  5. Add base core code.

    • lt_defs.h, lt_family.h and lt_api.c files need to be created, and initialized with (even empty) functions and definitions.
    • The list of family functions can be found here.
    • Make the SDK call lt_main() as the entrypoint. If needed, use fixups.
  6. Write a binary manipulation tool.

    • While this step could be optional, as these tools are provided in the SDK, they're usually platform-specific (i.e. Windows-only) and use proprietary executables, with no source code nor documentation. This is unacceptable for LibreTiny, as we need to support multiple architectures & platforms (Windows, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc.). Naturally, doing that in Python seems to be the best choice.
    • All binary tools are currently in ltchiptool/soc/.../ The elf2bin() function is what takes an .ELF file, and generates a set of binaries that can be flashed to the chip.
    • It's best to test if the generation is correct, by taking an .ELF compiled by vendor SDK, running it through ltchiptool and checking if the resulting binaries are identical.
    • Ghidra/IDA Pro is your friend here; you can decompile the SDK tools.
  7. Write a flashing tool.

    • mostly the same as above. Refer to the existing tools for examples. It's useful to make the flasher class "standalone", i.e. a class that is then wrapped by ltchiptool, like in realtek-ambz2.
  8. Write builder scripts.

    • builder/family/ files are builders, which contain all SDK sources and include paths. Write the script, based on the existing families, and any Makefiles or other scripts from the SDK.
    • Make sure not to make a mess in the CCFLAGS/CPPDEFINES, and only include what's needed there. Some flags are project-wide (family-independent) in builder/frameworks/
    • Use a pure PlatformIO project - not ESPHome!. Pass one of the generic boards you created before, and framework = base in platformio.ini. Generally, try to get the thing to compile.
    • Use a simple Hello World program - C, not C++. Only add main() function with a printf() and a while(1) loop.
    • I've noticed that using nano.specs instead of nosys.specs produces smaller binaries.
  9. When you get it to link successfully, build a UF2 file.

    • UF2 packages are for flashing and for OTA.
    • Add UF2OTA to the env, to provide binaries that will go to the UF2. Some understanding of the chip's partition and flash layout will be needed.
  10. Flash it, test if it works!

    • It probably won't. You may need to remove __libc_init_array() from cores/common/base/lt_api.c so that it doesn't crash. Most SDKs don't support C++ properly.

Making it actually work

  1. Write flashdb and printf ports.

    • The ports are in cores/.../base/port/. It's a simple flash access layer, and a character printing function. Not a lot of work, but it needs to be done first.
  2. Add fixups so that string & memory stdlib functions are not from SDK.

    • Refer to to find functions that need to be wrapped.
    • SDK should not define them, you have to figure out a way to remove them from headers. Fixups can mess with includes and trick the SDK into using our own functions.
  3. Clean up FreeRTOS.

    • FreeRTOS' headers usually include some SDK headers, which pull in a lot of macros and typedefs, which usually break lots of non-SDK code, which doesn't expect these macros.
    • library-freertos repo contains some FreeRTOS versions, adapted for SDKs. Basically, copy a clean (straight from FreeRTOS github) version to the repo, commit it. Then copy the version from SDK and compare the differences.
    • Try to make it look as "stock" as possible. Discard any formatting differences (and backports).
    • Annotate any parts that can't be removed with #ifdef FREERTOS_PORT_REALTEK_AMB1.
    • Put the FreeRTOS vendor-specific port in library-freertos-port.
    • Remove all FreeRTOS sources from builder scripts. Replace with:
  4. Do the same with lwIP - later.

  5. Write LibreTiny C APIs - in lt_api.c.

  6. At this point, your Hello World code should work fine.

Porting Arduino Core - C++ support

  1. Add main.cpp and write wiring_*.c ports. GPIOs and stuff should work even without proper C++ support.

  2. Port Serial library first. This should already show whether C++ works fine or if it doesn't. For example, calling Serial.println() refers to the virtual function Print::write, which will probably crash the chip if C++ is not being linked properly.