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See the Cloudcutter video guide for a complete tutorial on flashing with Cloudcutter and installing LibreTiny-ESPHome. Includes Home Assistant Add-On setup.

LibreTiny is now natively supported by ESPHome in versions 2023.9.0 and later.

There are three basic ways to install and use ESPHome. You can choose the option that best suits you:

  • ESPHome Dashboard (GUI) - for new users, might be an easy way to go; config management & compilation using web-based dashboard
  • command line (CLI) - for more experienced users; compilation using CLI commands, somewhat easier to troubleshoot
  • Home Assistant Add-On - using ESPHome in Home Assistant as an add-on


If you have the LibreTiny-ESPHome add-on installed in Home Assistant, migrate your YAML files over to the official ESPHome add-on.

The standalone add-on is now deprecated - after migrating your configs, uninstall the old add-on.

Find your device's board

Go to Boards & CPU list, find your board (chip model), click on it and remember the Board code. This will be used later, during config creation.

If your board isn't listed, use one of the Generic boards, depending on the chip type of your device.

Download ESPHome

For this, you need Docker, Docker Compose and Python installed. After running the commands, you'll have a running ESPHome Dashboard interface that you can connect to.

  1. Open a terminal/cmd.exe.
  2. Create a docker-compose.yml file in a directory of choice:

    version: "3"
        container_name: esphome
          - ./configs:/config:rw # (1)!
          - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
        restart: always
        privileged: false
        network_mode: host
    1. You can change ./configs to another path, in which your ESPHome configs will be stored.
  3. Start the container using docker-compose up. You should be able to open the GUI on http://localhost:6052/.


Read Getting started first - most importantly, the first part about installation.

Assuming you have PlatformIO, git and Python installed:

  1. Open a terminal/cmd.exe
  2. git clone
  3. cd into the newly created esphome directory.
  4. Check if it works by typing python -m esphome


You can alternately install ESPHome CLI using pip with pip install esphome

Create your device config

  1. Open the GUI on http://localhost:6052/ (or a different IP address if you're running on a Pi).
  2. Go through the wizard steps:
    • New Device
    • Continue
    • enter name and WiFi details (first time only)
    • LibreTiny will not currently be listed as an option, choose any of the boards and you will overwrite them later
    • select Skip
  3. A new config file will be added. Press Edit and proceed to the next section.
  4. Delete the entire generated configuration and replace it with the example configuration below or one generated by UPK2ESPHome.
  1. Create a YAML config file for your device. You can either:
    • use python -m esphome wizard yourdevice.yml - type answers to the six questions the wizard asks, OR:
    • write a config file manually:
        name: yourdevice
      bk72xx:  # adjust accordingly: bk72xx or rtl87xx
        board: cb2s  # THIS IS YOUR BOARD CODE
          version: latest
        ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
        password: !secret wifi_password

Automatically generate config

Instead of adding components manually and writing everything from scratch, you can use UPK2ESPHome to generate a working config (for supported BK7231 devices only). If your device has a Cloudcutter profile, there's a high chance it can have a generated config.

Add components

Now, just like with standard ESPHome on ESP32/ESP8266, you need to add components for your device. Visit ESPHome homepage to learn about YAML configuration. If you want, you can upload an "empty" config first, and add actual components later.


It's highly recommended to always include the web_server and captive_portal components - even in your first "empty" upload.

Adding these two components will safeguard you against accidentally soft-bricking the device, by e.g. entering invalid Wi-Fi credentials. The Web Server provides an easy way to flash a new image over-the-air, and the Captive Portal allows to easily open the Web Server on a fallback AP.

Build & upload

Close the config editor. Press the three dots icon and select Install. Choose Manual download and Modern format. The firmware will be compiled and a UF2 file will be downloaded automatically.

The command python -m esphome compile yourdevice.yml will compile ESPHome.

Now, refer to the flashing guide to learn how to upload ESPHome to your device. There's also info on using tuya-cloudcutter in that guide.

Advanced: LT configuration


This part is for advanced users. You'll probably be fine with the default options.

All options from Options & config can be customized in the LibreTiny block:

    version: latest
    LT_LOG_HEAP: 1

(this is only an example)

Additionally, few options have their dedicated keys:

    version: latest
  # verbose/trace/debug/info/warn/error/fatal
  loglevel: warn
  # suppress chip's SDK log messages
  # (same as LT_UART_SILENT_ALL above)
  sdk_silent: true
  # disable SWD/JTAG so that all GPIOs can be used
  # set to false if you want to attach a debugger
  gpio_recover: true

(these values are defaults)

Advanced: Using development versions with ESPHome

There are a two ways to use development versions of LibreTiny with ESPHome:

  • version is a required field, and must match a specific format, it is recommended to use "0.0.0" for custom development
  • source must point to where your development version of LibreTiny resides.
    version: "0.0.0"
    source: ""

Source can be post-fixed to checkout a specified branch or a Pull Request:

  • Branch: add #branch_name (ex: source: "")
  • Pull Requests: Pull requests currently require you to check out the source branch of the pull request. To get this information, visit the PR, click on the source branch, and copy their git address and apply the branch their PR uses (ex:

Check out with Git (recommended) or download and extract a copy of LibreTiny to your local file system running ESPHome.

    version: "0.0.0"
    source: "/local_path_to_libretiny"