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File Update.cpp

File List > arduino > libraries > common > Update > Update.cpp

Go to the documentation of this file.

/* Copyright (c) Kuba Szczodrzyński 2022-05-29. */

#include "Update.h"

static const UpdateError errorMap[] = {
    UPDATE_ERROR_OK,           /* UF2_ERR_OK - no error */
    UPDATE_ERROR_OK,           /* UF2_ERR_IGNORE - block should be ignored */
    UPDATE_ERROR_MAGIC_BYTE,   /* UF2_ERR_MAGIC - wrong magic numbers */
    UPDATE_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENT, /* UF2_ERR_FAMILY - family ID mismatched */
    UPDATE_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENT, /* UF2_ERR_NOT_HEADER - block is not a header */
    UPDATE_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENT, /* UF2_ERR_OTA_VER - unknown/invalid OTA format version */
    UPDATE_ERROR_MAGIC_BYTE,   /* UF2_ERR_OTA_WRONG - no data for current OTA scheme */
    UPDATE_ERROR_NO_PARTITION, /* UF2_ERR_PART_404 - no partition with that name */
    UPDATE_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENT, /* UF2_ERR_PART_INVALID - invalid partition info tag */
    UPDATE_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENT, /* UF2_ERR_PART_UNSET - attempted to write without target partition */
    UPDATE_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENT, /* UF2_ERR_DATA_TOO_LONG - data too long - tags won't fit */
    UPDATE_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENT, /* UF2_ERR_SEQ_MISMATCH - sequence number mismatched */
    UPDATE_ERROR_ERASE,        /* UF2_ERR_ERASE_FAILED - erasing flash failed */
    UPDATE_ERROR_WRITE,        /* UF2_ERR_WRITE_FAILED - writing to flash failed */
    UPDATE_ERROR_WRITE,        /* UF2_ERR_WRITE_LENGTH - wrote fewer data than requested */
    UPDATE_ERROR_WRITE,        /* UF2_ERR_WRITE_PROTECT - target area is write-protected */
    UPDATE_ERROR_WRITE,        /* UF2_ERR_ALLOC_FAILED - dynamic memory allocation failed */

bool UpdateClass::begin(
    size_t size,
    int command,
    __attribute__((unused)) int ledPin,
    __attribute__((unused)) uint8_t ledOn,
    __attribute__((unused)) const char *label
) {
    LT_E("OTA is not yet supported on this chip!");
    return false;
    if (this->ctx) {
        return false;
    if (size == 0) {
        this->errArd = UPDATE_ERROR_SIZE;
        return false;
    if (command != U_FLASH) {
        this->errArd = UPDATE_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENT;
        return false;
    if (size == UPDATE_SIZE_UNKNOWN) {
        size = 0;

    this->ctx = static_cast<lt_ota_ctx_t *>(malloc(sizeof(lt_ota_ctx_t)));
    lt_ota_begin(this->ctx, size);
    this->ctx->callback       = reinterpret_cast<void (*)(void *)>(progressHandler);
    this->ctx->callback_param = this;

    this->md5Ctx = static_cast<LT_MD5_CTX_T *>(malloc(sizeof(LT_MD5_CTX_T)));

    return true;

bool UpdateClass::end(bool evenIfRemaining) {
    if (!this->ctx)
        return false;

    // update is running or finished; cleanup and end it
    if (!isFinished() && !evenIfRemaining)
        // abort if not finished
        this->errArd = UPDATE_ERROR_ABORT;

    if (!this->md5Digest)
        this->md5Digest = static_cast<uint8_t *>(malloc(16));
    MD5Final(this->md5Digest, this->md5Ctx);

    this->cleanup(/* clearError= */ evenIfRemaining);
    return !this->hasError();

void UpdateClass::cleanup(bool clearError) {
    if (!this->ctx)

    if (!lt_ota_end(this->ctx)) {
        // activating firmware failed
        this->errArd = UPDATE_ERROR_ACTIVATE;
        this->errUf2 = UF2_ERR_OK;
    } else if (this->md5Digest && this->md5Expected && memcmp(this->md5Digest, this->md5Expected, 16) != 0) {
        // MD5 doesn't match
        this->errArd = UPDATE_ERROR_MD5;
        this->errUf2 = UF2_ERR_OK;
    } else if (clearError) {
        // successful finish and activation, clear error codes
    } else if (this->ctx->error > UF2_ERR_IGNORE) {
        // make error code based on UF2OTA code
        this->errArd = errorMap[this->ctx->error];
        this->errUf2 = this->ctx->error;
    } else {
        // only keep Arduino error code (set by the caller)
        this->errUf2 = UF2_ERR_OK;

    if (this->hasError())

    this->ctx = nullptr;
    this->md5Ctx = nullptr;
    this->md5Digest = nullptr;
    this->md5Expected = nullptr;

size_t UpdateClass::write(const uint8_t *data, size_t len) {
    if (!this->ctx)
        return 0;

    MD5Update(this->md5Ctx, data, len);
    size_t written = lt_ota_write(ctx, data, len);
    if (written != len)
        this->cleanup(/* clearError= */ false);
    return written;

size_t UpdateClass::writeStream(Stream &data) {
    if (!this->ctx)
        return 0;

    size_t written    = 0;
    uint32_t lastData = millis();
    // loop until the update is complete
    while (remaining()) {
        // check stream availability
        auto available = data.available();
        if (available <= 0) {
            if (millis() - lastData > UPDATE_TIMEOUT_MS) {
                // waited for data too long; abort with error
                this->errArd = UPDATE_ERROR_STREAM;
                this->cleanup(/* clearError= */ false);
                return written;
        // available > 0
        lastData = millis();

        // read data to fit in the remaining buffer space
        auto bufSize = this->ctx->buf_pos - this->ctx->buf;
        auto read    = data.readBytes(this->ctx->buf_pos, UF2_BLOCK_SIZE - bufSize);
        // update MD5
        MD5Update(this->md5Ctx, this->ctx->buf_pos, read);
        // increment buffer writing head
        this->ctx->buf_pos += read;
        // process the block if complete
        if (bufSize + read == UF2_BLOCK_SIZE)
            lt_ota_write_block(this->ctx, reinterpret_cast<uf2_block_t *>(this->ctx->buf));
        // abort on errors
        if (hasError()) {
            this->cleanup(/* clearError= */ false);
            return written;
        written += read;
    return written;

UpdateClass Update;