File UriRegex.h
File List > arduino > libraries > ext > WebServer > uri > UriRegex.h
Go to the documentation of this file.
#pragma once
#include "Uri.h"
#include <regex>
class UriRegex : public Uri {
explicit UriRegex(const char *uri) : Uri(uri) {};
explicit UriRegex(const String &uri) : Uri(uri) {};
Uri *clone() const override final {
return new UriRegex(_uri);
void initPathArgs(std::vector<String> &pathArgs) override final {
std::regex rgx((_uri + "|").c_str());
std::smatch matches;
std::string s{""};
std::regex_search(s, matches, rgx);
pathArgs.resize(matches.size() - 1);
bool canHandle(const String &requestUri, std::vector<String> &pathArgs) override final {
if (Uri::canHandle(requestUri, pathArgs))
return true;
unsigned int pathArgIndex = 0;
std::regex rgx(_uri.c_str());
std::smatch matches;
std::string s(requestUri.c_str());
if (std::regex_search(s, matches, rgx)) {
for (size_t i = 1; i < matches.size(); ++i) { // skip first
pathArgs[pathArgIndex] = String(matches[i].str().c_str());
return true;
return false;