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File WiFiGeneric.cpp

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/* Copyright (c) Kuba Szczodrzyński 2022-04-25. */

#include "WiFi.h"

#include <FreeRTOS.h>

bool WiFiClass::mode(WiFiMode mode) {
    // store a pointer to WiFi for WiFiEvents.cpp
    pWiFi = this;

    WiFiMode currentMode = getMode();
    LT_DM(WIFI, "Mode changing %s -> %s", WiFiModeText[currentMode], WiFiModeText[mode]);
    if (mode == currentMode)
        return true;

    // get mode changes as 0/1
    WiFiModeAction sta = WiFiModeAction((mode & WIFI_MODE_STA) != (currentMode & WIFI_MODE_STA));
    WiFiModeAction ap  = WiFiModeAction((mode & WIFI_MODE_AP) != (currentMode & WIFI_MODE_AP));
    // change 0/1 to 1/2
    sta = WiFiModeAction(sta + sta * !!(mode & WIFI_MODE_STA));
    ap  = WiFiModeAction(ap + ap * !!(mode & WIFI_MODE_AP));
    // initialize data structures if wifi is enabled
    if (mode)
    // actually change the mode
    if (!modePriv(mode, sta, ap))
        return false;
    if (getMode() != mode) {
        LT_WM(WIFI, "Mode changed to %d (requested %d)", getMode(), mode);
    return true;

bool WiFiClass::enableSTA(bool enable) {
    WiFiMode currentMode = getMode();
    if (((currentMode & WIFI_MODE_STA) != 0) != enable) {
        return mode((WiFiMode)(currentMode ^ WIFI_MODE_STA));
    return true;

bool WiFiClass::enableAP(bool enable) {
    WiFiMode currentMode = getMode();
    if (((currentMode & WIFI_MODE_AP) != 0) != enable) {
        return mode((WiFiMode)(currentMode ^ WIFI_MODE_AP));
    return true;

__attribute__((weak)) bool WiFiClass::setSleep(bool enable) {
    return false;

__attribute__((weak)) bool WiFiClass::getSleep() {
    return false;

__attribute__((weak)) bool WiFiClass::setTxPower(int power) {
    return false;

__attribute__((weak)) int WiFiClass::getTxPower() {
    return 0;

int WiFiClass::hostByName(const char *hostname, IPAddress &aResult) {
    aResult = hostByName(hostname);
    return true;

IPAddress WiFiClass::calculateNetworkID(IPAddress ip, IPAddress subnet) {
    IPAddress networkID;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        networkID[i] = subnet[i] & ip[i];

    return networkID;

IPAddress WiFiClass::calculateBroadcast(IPAddress ip, IPAddress subnet) {
    IPAddress broadcastIp;

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        broadcastIp[i] = ~subnet[i] | ip[i];

    return broadcastIp;

uint8_t WiFiClass::calculateSubnetCIDR(IPAddress subnetMask) {
    uint8_t CIDR = 0;

    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        if (subnetMask[i] == 0x80) // 128
            CIDR += 1;
        else if (subnetMask[i] == 0xC0) // 192
            CIDR += 2;
        else if (subnetMask[i] == 0xE0) // 224
            CIDR += 3;
        else if (subnetMask[i] == 0xF0) // 242
            CIDR += 4;
        else if (subnetMask[i] == 0xF8) // 248
            CIDR += 5;
        else if (subnetMask[i] == 0xFC) // 252
            CIDR += 6;
        else if (subnetMask[i] == 0xFE) // 254
            CIDR += 7;
        else if (subnetMask[i] == 0xFF) // 255
            CIDR += 8;

    return CIDR;

String WiFiClass::macToString(uint8_t *mac) {
    char macStr[18]; // 6*2 + 5*':' + '\0'
    sprintf(macStr, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);
    return macStr;

void WiFiClass::resetNetworkInfo(WiFiNetworkInfo &info) {
    LT_VM(WIFI, "Resetting network info: %s", info.ssid);
    // wipe the structure, except IP addresses
    memset(&info, 0x00, sizeof(WiFiNetworkInfo) - 5 * sizeof(uint32_t));

bool WiFiClass::restoreSTAConfig(const WiFiNetworkInfo &info) {
    LT_DM(WIFI, "Restoring %s config: %s", "STA", info.ssid);
    if (!info.ssid)
        return false;
    if (info.localIP) {
        LT_DM(WIFI, "Restoring STA IP config");
        if (!config(info.localIP, info.gateway, info.subnet, info.dns1, info.dns2))
            return false;
    return begin(info.ssid, info.password,, info.bssid);

bool WiFiClass::restoreAPConfig(const WiFiNetworkInfo &info) {
    LT_DM(WIFI, "Restoring %s config: %s", "AP", info.ssid);
    if (!info.ssid)
        return false;
    if (info.localIP) {
        LT_DM(WIFI, "Restoring AP IP config");
        if (!softAPConfig(info.localIP, info.gateway, info.subnet))
            return false;
    return softAP(info.ssid, info.password,, info.ssidHidden);