Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
- struct Cookie
- class EspClass ESP Arduino Core compatibility class.
- struct EventHandler_s
- class FlashClass
- class FunctionRequestHandler
- class HTTPClient
- struct RequestArgument
- struct HTTPUpload
- class HardwareI2C
- class IPreferences
- class IWiFiClient
- class IWiFiClientSecure
- class IWiFiServer
- class IWiFiUDP
- class LibreTiny Main LibreTiny API class.
- class LibreTinyOTA Over-the-Air updates helper class.
- class LibreTinyWDT Watchdog control class.
- class LwIPClient
- class LwIPRxBuffer
- class LwIPServer
- class LwIPUDP
- struct MD5Context
- class MbedTLSClient
- struct PinInfo
- class RequestHandler
- class SerialClass
- struct SoftData
- struct SoftSerial
- class SoftwareSerial
- class StaticRequestHandler
- class StreamString
- class UpdateClass
- class Uri
- class UriBraces
- class UriGlob
- class UriRegex
- class WebServer
- struct RequestArgument
- class WiFiClass
- struct WiFiMacAddr
- class WiFiMulti
- struct WiFiNetworkInfo
- struct WiFiScanAP
- struct WiFiScanData
- struct WifiAPlist_t
- namespace arduino
- class IPv6Address
- union arduino_event_info_t
- struct arduino_event_t
- class base64
- struct base64_decodestate
- struct base64_encodestate
- class cbuf
- struct esp_ip4_addr
- struct esp_ip6_addr
- struct esp_netif_ip6_info_t IPV6 IP address information.
- struct esp_netif_ip_info_t
- namespace fs
- class FS
- class FSImpl
- class File
- class FileImpl
- struct ip_event_ap_staipassigned_t
- struct ip_event_got_ip6_t
- struct ip_event_got_ip_t
- struct lt_flash_id_t Flash chip ID structure.
- struct lt_ota_ctx_t OTA update process context.
- class mDNS
- struct mbedtls_md5_context
- namespace mime
- struct Entry
- struct wifi_event_action_tx_status_t
- struct wifi_event_ap_probe_req_rx_t
- struct wifi_event_ap_staconnected_t
- struct wifi_event_ap_stadisconnected_t
- struct wifi_event_ftm_report_t
- struct wifi_event_roc_done_t
- struct wifi_event_sta_authmode_change_t
- struct wifi_event_sta_connected_t
- struct wifi_event_sta_disconnected_t
- struct wifi_event_sta_scan_done_t
- struct wifi_event_sta_wps_er_pin_t
- struct wifi_event_sta_wps_er_success_t
- struct wifi_ftm_report_entry_t