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Class fs::FSImpl

ClassList > fs > FSImpl

Public Functions

Type Name
FSImpl ()
virtual bool exists (const char * path) = 0
virtual bool mkdir (const char * path) = 0
virtual FileImplPtr open (const char * path, const char * mode, const bool create) = 0
virtual bool remove (const char * path) = 0
virtual bool rename (const char * pathFrom, const char * pathTo) = 0
virtual bool rmdir (const char * path) = 0
virtual ~FSImpl ()

Public Functions Documentation

function FSImpl

inline fs::FSImpl::FSImpl () 

function exists

virtual bool fs::FSImpl::exists (
    const char * path
) = 0

function mkdir

virtual bool fs::FSImpl::mkdir (
    const char * path
) = 0

function open

virtual FileImplPtr fs::FSImpl::open (
    const char * path,
    const char * mode,
    const bool create
) = 0

function remove

virtual bool fs::FSImpl::remove (
    const char * path
) = 0

function rename

virtual bool fs::FSImpl::rename (
    const char * pathFrom,
    const char * pathTo
) = 0

function rmdir

virtual bool fs::FSImpl::rmdir (
    const char * path
) = 0

function ~FSImpl

inline virtual fs::FSImpl::~FSImpl () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file cores/common/arduino/libraries/common/FS/FS.h