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File lt_ota.h

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  • #include <libretiny.h>
  • #include <uf2ota/uf2types.h>


Type Name
struct lt_ota_ctx_t
OTA update process context.

Public Types

Type Name
enum lt_ota_type_t
Chip's OTA type enumeration.

Public Functions

Type Name
void lt_ota_begin (lt_ota_ctx_t * ctx, size_t size)
Initialize the update context to begin OTA process.
bool lt_ota_can_rollback ()
Check if OTA rollback is possible (switching the stored index to another partition).
uint8_t lt_ota_dual_get_current ()
Get the currently running firmware's OTA index.
uint8_t lt_ota_dual_get_stored ()
Read the currently active OTA index, i.e. the one that will boot upon restart.
bool lt_ota_end (lt_ota_ctx_t * ctx)
Finish the update process. If the update has been written completely, try to activate the target image. Free allocated internal structures, regardless of the activation result.
lt_ota_type_t lt_ota_get_type ()
Get OTA type of the device's chip.
uf2_ota_scheme_t lt_ota_get_uf2_scheme ()
Check which UF2 OTA scheme should be used for applying firmware updates.
bool lt_ota_is_valid (uint8_t index)
Check if the specified OTA image is valid.
void lt_ota_set_write_protect (uf2_ota_t * uf2)
Set family-specific, write-protected flash areas in the OTA update context. This shouldn't be called manually, as it's done by lt_ota_begin().
bool lt_ota_switch (bool revert)
Try to switch OTA index to the other image. For single-OTA chips, only check if the upgrade image is valid.
size_t lt_ota_write (lt_ota_ctx_t * ctx, const uint8_t * data, size_t len)
Process a chunk of data.
bool lt_ota_write_block (lt_ota_ctx_t * ctx, uf2_block_t * block)
Try to write the block. In case of UF2 errors, error code is set in the context. Note: use lt_ota_write() instead. This is for internal usage only.

Public Types Documentation

enum lt_ota_type_t

enum lt_ota_type_t {
    OTA_TYPE_DUAL = 1,

Public Functions Documentation

function lt_ota_begin

Initialize the update context to begin OTA process.

void lt_ota_begin (
    lt_ota_ctx_t * ctx,
    size_t size


  • ctx OTA context
  • size length of the update file; 0 if unknown

function lt_ota_can_rollback

Check if OTA rollback is possible (switching the stored index to another partition).

bool lt_ota_can_rollback () 

Note that this is not the same as "switching" OTA with revert=true.


true if 2nd image is valid and the chip is dual-OTA; false otherwise

function lt_ota_dual_get_current

Get the currently running firmware's OTA index.

uint8_t lt_ota_dual_get_current () 


OTA index if dual-OTA is supported, 0 otherwise

function lt_ota_dual_get_stored

Read the currently active OTA index, i.e. the one that will boot upon restart.

uint8_t lt_ota_dual_get_stored () 


OTA index if dual-OTA is supported, 0 otherwise

function lt_ota_end

Finish the update process. If the update has been written completely, try to activate the target image. Free allocated internal structures, regardless of the activation result.

bool lt_ota_end (
    lt_ota_ctx_t * ctx


  • ctx OTA context


false if activation was attempted and not successful; true otherwise

function lt_ota_get_type

lt_ota_type_t lt_ota_get_type () 

function lt_ota_get_uf2_scheme

Check which UF2 OTA scheme should be used for applying firmware updates.

uf2_ota_scheme_t lt_ota_get_uf2_scheme () 


OTA scheme of the target partition

function lt_ota_is_valid

Check if the specified OTA image is valid.

bool lt_ota_is_valid (
    uint8_t index


  • index OTA index to check; 0 for single-OTA chips, 1 or 2 for dual-OTA chips


true if index is valid for the chip's OTA type, and there is a valid image; false otherwise

function lt_ota_set_write_protect

Set family-specific, write-protected flash areas in the OTA update context. This shouldn't be called manually, as it's done by lt_ota_begin().

void lt_ota_set_write_protect (
    uf2_ota_t * uf2


  • uf2 uf2ota context

function lt_ota_switch

Try to switch OTA index to the other image. For single-OTA chips, only check if the upgrade image is valid.

bool lt_ota_switch (
    bool revert

This can be used to "activate" the upgrade after flashing.


  • revert switch if (and only if) the other image is already marked as active (i.e. switch back to the running image)


false if the second image (or upgrade image) is not valid; false if writing failed; true otherwise

function lt_ota_write

Process a chunk of data.

size_t lt_ota_write (
    lt_ota_ctx_t * ctx,
    const uint8_t * data,
    size_t len

Data is written to the buffer, unless a full UF2 block is already available, in which case it's also processed by UF2OTA and written to flash.

It's advised to write in 512-byte chunks (or its multiples).


  • ctx OTA context
  • data chunk of bytes to process
  • len size of the chunk


number of bytes correctly processed; should equal 'len' in case of no errors

function lt_ota_write_block

Try to write the block. In case of UF2 errors, error code is set in the context. Note: use lt_ota_write() instead. This is for internal usage only.

bool lt_ota_write_block (
    lt_ota_ctx_t * ctx,
    uf2_block_t * block


  • block UF2 block to check and write; cannot be NULL


whether no error has occurred

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file cores/common/base/api/lt_ota.h