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Struct EventHandler_s

ClassList > EventHandler_s

Public Attributes

Type Name
EventCb cb
EventId eventId
EventFuncCb fcb
uint16_t id
EventSysCb scb

Public Static Attributes

Type Name
uint16_t lastId = = 1

Public Functions

Type Name
EventHandler_s ()

Public Attributes Documentation

variable cb

EventCb EventHandler_s::cb;

variable eventId

EventId EventHandler_s::eventId;

variable fcb

EventFuncCb EventHandler_s::fcb;

variable id

uint16_t EventHandler_s::id;

variable scb

EventSysCb EventHandler_s::scb;

Public Static Attributes Documentation

variable lastId

uint16_t EventHandler_s::lastId;

Public Functions Documentation

function EventHandler_s

inline EventHandler_s::EventHandler_s () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file cores/common/arduino/src/Events.h